Day 8 Homework

 Добрый день, дорогие мои студенты!

Вот домашнее задание на понедельник (Monday) 20 сентября.

Урок 5
1. Glossary for Lesson 5 pp. 183-186
2. Reading Cursive pp.167-168
3. Please write a story based on ex. 42 p.160. Choose a scenario. e.g., talk about a city and its streets; about your room/office, etc.
4. Practice ЧЕЙ, ЧЬЯ, ЧЬЁ, ЧЬИ. What question word would you choose for words on p. 182?

Урок 6
5. Read Grammar Notes 1 and 2 on pp.215 - 216
6. Practice Real Russian for Lessons 1-5
7. Practice cursive ex 13 p.196
8. Write a story about yourself. Say as much as you can.

Хороших выходных!
до понедельника

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