

Здравствуйте! Сегодня 31 мая вторник

Вот ваше задание на среду 1 июня:



  • review bilateral relations prepared earlier
  • start working on your work responsibility 
Workbook Lesson 8 
  • exe.32-34 pp.45-46

Textbook Lesson 8
  • ex. 76  p.62 prepare to talk about the following officers: 
Matt - Chris Smith
Richard - Thomas Peterson
Linda - Mike Thompson 
  • ex.78 p.63
  • ex. 84 p. 68
Lesson 8 Fluency Development Babur Malikov
  • Listen to Babur Malikov’ story. Mark true and false next to the statement
    1. Babur Madjitovich Malikov is the first Uzbek Ambassador to the US 
    2. He was born in 1947 in the city of Tashkent
    3. After studying at the university he worked in the legal field
    4. His diplomatic career started in 1992
    5. In 1993 Babur Malikov opened first Uzbek mission in the US
    6. First Uzbek diplomatic mission was big
    7. The consulate was and is in New York
    8. To develop trade relations, Mr. Malikov with his colleagues created the US-Uzbek Chamber of Commerce
    9. In 1993 Mr. Malikov met with the Polish politician Zbigniew Brzezinski 
    10. Malikov and Brzezinski talked about the history of Uzbekistan and the historical ties between Poland and Uzbekistan
    11. The work of a diplomat is very important, responsible, and state
    12. He likes Chicago and Philadelphia, but not fond of San Francisco


    Stage 2 Part 3
Cultural Awareness 

AvtoVAZ -  АвтоВАЗ = Волжский Автомобильный Завод
  •  a Russian automobile manufacturing company owned by the state
  • formerly named as VAZ =ВАЗ, an acronym for Volga Automotive Plant in Russian
  • best known for its flagship series of Lada vehicles
  • in the Soviet Union, its products used various names, including Zhiguli, Oka, and Sputnik
  • all were phased out in the 1990s and replaced by Lada for the Russian market 
  • December 2019 to August 2020, AvtoVAZ sold Niva cars with Chevrolet branding
  • established in 1966 by the Soviet government as a state-run car manufacturer
  • privatized in the 1990s 
  • October 2016 to May 2022 a subsidiary of Renault 
  • May 2022, it was re-acquired by the Russian government
  • indirectly owned by Russian state enterprises through Lada Auto Holding
Дмитрий Песков
  • born 17 October 1967 in Moscow
  • a Russian diplomat
  • the press secretary for Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • his father, Sergey, headed the Soviet diplomatic mission in Pakistan
  • 1989 - graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow State University, specializing in History and Eastern studies
  • 1989 -  joined the Soviet Foreign Ministry
  • 1990 - appointed to the Soviet embassy in Ankara, Turkey, as an administrative assistant
  • subsequently filled the positions of attaché and then third secretary at the embassy
  • 1994 - assigned to work in the Russian foreign ministry in Moscow
  • 1996 - posted back to Ankara with the diplomatic rank of second, and then first secretary at the Russian embassy
  • 2000 - returned to Russia to work at the press service of the Russian president, serving in a number of positions
  • serves as Putin's spokesman since April 2000
  • 25 April 2008 named as prime minister Viktor Zubkov's press secretary
  • served as Putin's Press Secretary while Putin was a Prime Minister and Dmitry Medvedev was the president
  • May 2012, when Putin again became president is the presidential spokesperson

сайт Супермаркета "Азбука Вкуса"
  • review vocabulary for stories on pp.3 and 5 by rereading the article
  • and by working with the Cram cards
  •  preview the vocabulary for stories on pp. 7 and 9


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