28 февраля_группа5_урок7_день8

Здравствуйте! Сегодня двадцать восьмое февраля понедельник

Вот ваше задание на вторник первое марта:


  • in preparation to your progress: evaluation review your stories for lessons 5 and 6
  • review your story on pandemic 
  • review your story on bilateral relations 

  • exe. 21-22 pp. 35-36
  • Test for Mastery p.37
  • exe. 23-24 p. 38 

  • ex.11
  • ex. 122 pp.95-96, please use prompts from p. 94 to begin and move through your story on Culinary Traditions
  • ex.120 p.92 #12 prepare an outline to help you give an answer to this question
Stage 2 Part 3
  • review vocabulary for our stories on pp. 35 and 37 by rereading 
  • preview vocabulary for stories on pp. 39 (40) and 41 (42) 
Cultural Awareness
  • a Russian telecommunications company started in 1992 
  • co-founded by Dr. Dmitry Zimin, a Russian scientist in his 50s and Augie K. Fabela II,  a young entrepreneur from the US
  • pioneer of the Russian mobile industry
  • PJSC VimpelCom that owns Beeline is the third-largest wireless and second-largest telecom operator in Russia
  • VimpelCom's main competitors in Russia are Mobile TeleSystems and MegaFon
  • PJSC VimpelCom's headquarters is located in Moscow
  • In 1996-2010, traded as NYSE: VIP
  •  It is wholly owned by Veon.
  • a state-owned Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow
  • Sberbank of Russia until 2015
  • Sberbank has operations in several European nations, primarily post-Soviet countries
  • as of 2014 it was the largest bank in Russia and Eastern Europe, and the third largest in Europe, ranked 60th in the world and first in central and Eastern Europe in The Banker's Top 1000 World Banks ranking
  • in the spring of 2021, Forbes Russia placed Sber on the first line in the rating of the reliability of Russian banks
  • in the world ranking of public companies Forbes "Global 2000" Sberbank takes 51st place
  • Sberbank's history goes back to Cancrin's financial reform of 1841, when a network of the first state-owned savings banks was created in Russia. By the end of the 19th century, the network reached almost 4 thousand outlets with over 2 million depositors
  • After the October Revolution of 1917, the state savings banks system continued its activity and growth under the management of the Finance Ministry of the USSR as the State Labour Savings Banks System. From 1926, the saving bank outlets were used to pay wages to blue- and white-collar workers. The savings banks were used to distribute state lottery tickets and for the placement of state bonds with the population. The savings banks introduced wider services such as money transfers
  • since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref who is a very close friend of Vladimir Putin
  • is under sanctions
Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт (ВНИИ) труда 


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