18 февраля_группа5_урок7_день4

Здравствуйте! Сегодня восемнадцатое февраля пятница

Вот ваше задание на вторник двадцать второе февраля:


  • read grammar notes on Instrumental Case and Instrumental Case of Adjectives and Pronouns pp.12-17
  • exe. 12-13 pp. 23-24
  • ex. 32 p. 28
  • ex. 33a p. 29
  • ex. 34 p. 30

Lesson 7 Extensive Listening
  • please watch the following videos
  • first watch without transcript (if available) and then listen and follow along with transcript
Grocery Store


Celebrating New Year in Russia

Stage 2 Part 3
  • review vocabulary for our stories on pp. 19 and 21 by rereading 
  • with Cram
  • preview vocabulary for stories on pp. 23 (24) and 25 (26) 
Cultural Awareness 
Содружество Независимых Государств 
Member states

CountryAgreement/protocol ratifiedCharter ratifiedNotes
 Armenia18 February 199216 March 1994Founding state
 Azerbaijan24 September 199324 September 1993
 Belarus10 December 199118 January 1994Founding state
 Kazakhstan23 December 199120 April 1994Founding state
 Kyrgyzstan6 March 199212 April 1994Founding state
 Moldova8 April 199415 April 1994
 Russia12 December 199120 July 1993Founding state
 Tajikistan26 June 19934 August 1993
 Uzbekistan4 January 19929 February 1994Founding state

Former member state

CountryAgreement/protocol ratifiedCharter ratifiedWithdrawnEffectiveNotes
 Georgia3 December 199319 April 199418 August 200818 August 2009Withdrew as a result of the Russo-Georgian War of 2008.

Parties of the Creation Agreement

CountryAgreement/protocol ratifiedCharter ratifiedNotes
 Turkmenistan26 December 1991Not ratified"Founding state". Has never been a member. "Associate state" since 2005.
 Ukraine10 December 1991Not ratified"Founding state". Has never been a member. Largely ceased to participate in CIS from 2014, and withdrew representatives from all statutory bodies of CIS in 2018 as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian War.


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