28 января_группа5_урок6_день6_домашнее задание


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Вот ваше задание на понедельник 31 января:

  • work on the Pandemic vocab and story using the hand out
  • ex.46 b p.33 Make suggestions to complete the sentences
  • ex. 48 p. 34

  • ex.22 p. 33
  • ex. 23 p. 35
  • read grammar notes on Preposition "по" with the Dative Case pp.37-38
  • ex. 64 p. 83
  • ex. 9
Stage 2 Part 2
  • review vocabulary for stories on pp. 19 and 21 by rereading the articles and working with Cram
  • preview vocabulary for stories on p. 23 (on State High School Exams) and p. 25 (on Telegram)
 [look at the first word, then go to the body of the article and scan it for this word; once found - highlight/underline/put an asterisk* next to it. Repeat with the rest of the words.
vocab for the story on p.23 about the ЕГЭ  is on p.24  and for story on p. 25 about "Telegram" is on p. 26  Remember: we are not reading the stories, we are just searching for the words from the vocabulary list on pp. 24 and 26] 

Cultural Awareness 
Аспирантура The work on a dissertation is commonly carried out during a postgraduate study period called aspirantura. In post-Soviet states, this educational step leads to a scientific degree called kandidat nauk is the first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Soviet Union and many post-Soviet countries. It is formally classified as UNESCO ISCED level 8, "doctoral or equivalent". It may be recognized as Doctor of Philosophy, usually in natural sciences, by scientific institutions in other countries. Former Soviet countries also have a more advanced degree, Doctor of Sciences.

ВЦИОМ = Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения - Russian Public Opinion Research Center. It is a state institution established in 1987, known as the All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion until 1992.

VTsIOM is the oldest polling institution in post-Soviet Russia and one of Russia's leading sociological and market research companies.  In 2003 VCIOM became an 'open joint-stock company with full state ownership'. VTsIOM conducts "full cycle" marketing, social and political research, from instrument design and data collection to analysis and presentation of findings to its clients.
Here is a link to their website: https://wciom.ru/

ЛДПР = Либерально-демократическая партия России


Liberal Democratic Party of Russia is a right-wing populist political party in Russia. It succeeded the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSU) in Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The party has been led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky since its inception.

The party opposed both communism and neoliberal capitalism of the 1990s but was promoting monarchism and the restoration of the Romanov dynasty, albeit in constitutional form. In the 1993 Duma elections the party scored a major success  with almost 23% of the vote, giving it 64 seats of the 450 seats in the State Duma. In the 2021 elections, the party received 7.55% of the vote, giving it 21 seats.
Despite the party's name, it is frequently described as "neither liberal nor democratic nor a party". The LDPR is centered around Zhirinovsky, and is often described as populist, nationalist, or ultranationalist. It has been described as adhering to statism and authoritarianism, and has also been described as fascist, though this label has been disputed.
The party being a part of the so called "systemic opposition", is considered to be traditionally loyal to the Kremlin.

Рособрнадзор =  Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science is a Russian federal agency tasked with the supervision and control of national education and science. It was formed in 2004 and is an independent agency that functions as part of the government of Russia.

Минобрнауки = Министерство Образования и Науки

Павел Дуров

Pavel Durov was born on 10 October 1984 in Leningrad. He now has a French and  citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevi. He is an entrepreneur who is best known for being the founder of the social networking site VK and later of Telegram Messenger. Since being dismissed as CEO of VK in 2014, the Durov brothers have travelled the world in self-imposed exil. In 2017, Pavel joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders as a representative of Finland.
According to the official French government gazette, Durov became a citizen of France on 25 August 2021. As of 24 November 2021, his net worth is $17.2 billion
Interesting facts
  • Durov started VKontakte, later known as VK, in 2006, which was initially influenced by Facebook.  On 21 April 2014, Durov was dismissed as CEO of VK. The company claimed it was acting on his letter of resignation a month earlier that he failed to recall. Durov then claimed the company had been effectively taken over by Vladimir Putin's allies, suggesting his ouster was the result of both his refusal to hand over personal details of users to federal law enforcement and his refusal to hand over the personal details of people who were members of a VK group dedicated to the Euromaidan protest movement. Durov then left Russia and stated that he had "no plans to go back" and that "the country is incompatible with Internet business at the moment".
  • Telegram Upon leaving Russia, he obtained Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship through donating $250,000 to the country's Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation, and secured $300 million in cash within Swiss banks. This allowed him to focus on creating his next company, Telegram, focused on an encrypted messaging service of the same name. The company was headquartered in Berlin and later moved to Dubai. Later he tried to launch the "Gram" cryptocurrency and the TON platform, raising a $1.7 billion startup with investors including the widow of Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs. However, these ventures were halted by the SEC and the federal courts in the United States
  • Wealth Durov was listed on the Forbes Billionaires List in 2021, with a net worth of $17.2 billion. His fortune is largely driven by his ownership of Telegram. As of April 2021, Durov was the 112th richest person in the world.
  • Durov claims to have an ascetic lifestyle, and promotes freedom from personal possessions.
  • Views  Durov is a self-described libertarian, teetotaler and vegetarian. In 2012, he published manifestos described by commentators as "libertarianism" detailing his ideas on improving Russia. For his twenty-seventh birthday in 2011, he donated a million dollars to the Wikimedia Foundation. 
  • Durov has been called the Mark Zuckerberg of Russia.
  • In August 2014, Durov was named the most promising Northern European leader under 30.
  • In 2017, he was chosen to join the WEF Young Global Leaders, representing Finland.
  • On 21 June 2018, the Union of Kazakhstan's Journalists bestowed an award on Durov "for his principled position against censorship and the state's interference into citizens' free online correspondence."
  • In 2018, Fortune magazine included Durov in their "40 Under 40" list, an annual ranking of the most influential young people in business.
 Роскомнадзор =  Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media is the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media. Its areas of responsibility include electronic media, mass communications, information technology and telecommunications, supervising compliance with the law, protecting the confidentiality of personal data being processed, and organizing the work of the radio-frequency service.
On April 16, 2018, Roskomnadzor ordered Russian ISPs to block access to the instant messenger Telegram, as the company refused to hand over the encryption keys for users' chats to Russian authorities.  The information watchdog applied the method of mass IP blocks, hitting the major hosting providers, such as Amazon, and disrupting hundreds of Russian internet services.  Roskomnadzor had to abandon this approach, but failed to implement any other means to stop Russian users from accessing Telegram. In the end, the Roskomnadzor and other government structures set up their own channels in the “outlawed” app. In mid-2020 Roskomnadzor officially gave up on trying to block Telegram.
On 10 March 2021, Roskomnadzor started to “slow down” Twitter for users in Russia, attributing the decision to the platform's failure to remove illegal content. This action occasionally caused Russia's key websites, including Roskomnadzor itself, to stop working. It also led to malfunctions of major commercial services, such as Qiwi payment system, and blocked some users from accessing Yandex, Google, and YouTube. In addition, along with Twitter, Roskomnadzor throttled access to numerous websites with domain names that end in “t.co”, that is one of Twitter domain, hitting no less than 48 thousand hosts. That affected GitHub, Russia Today, Reddit, Microsoft, Google, Dropbox, Steam, and others.


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