3 декабря_группа4_домашнее задание


добрый день, дорогие студенты 

Вот ваше задание на выходные и понедельник 6 декабря

  1. prepare to conduct an interview on the following topics (all of these were done in lessons 1-3)

Weekend and free time

Some suggestions on what to ask:

  • The person’s favorite weekend / free time activities
  • Popular free time activity in his/her home country
  • Popular sports in the country


Some suggestions on what to ask:

  • what foreign languages does the person knows and how well he knows them
  • The language spoken in his/her home country
  • If learning languages is popular in his/her home country
  • Popular foreign languages in his/her country


Some suggestions on what to ask:

  • The person’s current job duties and responsibilities
  • Previous job experience
  • Job experiences in their home country
  • Popular professions in his/her home country

2. review your story on Vacation and Travel. Be prepared to tell in without reading and answer a couple of questions

Lesson 4 
3. exe. 10 and 11 p. 11

Listening comprehension 
Lesson 3 Отдых и путешествия

  • review vocabulary through working with Root Family handout and Cram lists for Readers on Politics and Economics
  • review Forgotten vocabulary
уровень - level
высокий - high
высший - highest
внешнеполитический - foreign policy (adj.)
охрана - protection; security 
защита - defense; security 
прекращать/прекратить - to stop; to cease 
беженцы - refugees 
достоверный - trustworthy 
источник - source 
побережье - coast
продажи - sales
покупатель - buyer; consumer 
позволять/позволить - to allow; to permit 
создать - to create 


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