14 декабря_группа4_урок4_день6_индивидуальный час

Доброе утро

Сегодня четырнадцатое декабря, вторник

Вот ваше задание на индивидуальный час

ex. 50 p. 39
ex. 7 and 9
Reading: Russian Reader 2.4 Terrorism
  • work with the vocabulary for L1 p. 20
  • work with the vocabulary for L2 p. 36
  • work with the vocabulary for L 3 p. 52

  • Task 2 and 3 pp. 44-45
  • Task 2 p. 47
  • preview vocabulary for Lesson 4 p. 68

 [vocab for Lesson 4 is on p. 68; look at the first word 'самоубийство' - a suicide …, then go to the body of the lesson and scan it for this word; once found - highlight/underline/put an asterisk* next to it. Repeat with the rest of the words. Remember: we are not reading the stories, we are just searching for the words from the Glossary list on p.68]



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