9 ноября_группа4_урок3_день3_домашнее задание


Добрый день!
Спасибо за хорошую работу.

Вот ваше домашнее задание на пятницу двенадцатое (12) ноября:
you have two days to complete it all

use ex. 33 p. 25 for inspiration:
  • write down and make an audio recording of 5 most important years in your life and send it to me or attach here as a comment.
  • first recording will be in the nominative just the naming the year: 1996 year - 1996 (тысяча девятьсот девяносто шестой) год
  • second recording will be (after you receive a feedback from me on your first recording) in the prepositional: in the 1996 year - в 1996 (в тысяча девятьсот девяносто шестом) году
  • make an audio recording about the country of your new assignment, based on what you shared with us
  • make an audio recording about how you spend your weekends now, how you used to spend them in your last assignment and how you are going to spend it during your future assignment. Use our class notes to make an outline and speak on this topic
  • exe. 10-11 p. 11
  • Read Grammar Notes: Basic Verbs of Motion идти, ехать лететь pp.12-14
Lesson 3 Extensive Listening

  • Listen to biographies of presidents of the countries you are going to (only). Use transcript below the videos for self-assessment and verification of information. Be prepared to share what you have learned about them with class.

Владимир Путин

Ильхам Алиев

Сооронбай Жээнбеков

Эмомали Рахмон

Russian Reader Part 2.2 Economy

  • Review vocabulary for Lesson 7

  • Preview vocabulary for Lesson 8 
  • using the prereading technique demonstrated in class
    [vocab for Lesson 8 in on pp.160-161; look at the first word 'акция' - a promotion..., then go to the body of the lesson and scan it for this word; once found - highlight/underline/put an asterisk* next to it. Repeat with the rest of the words. Remember: we are not reading the stories, we are just searching for the words from the Glossary list on pp. 160-161]
  • work with the electronic cards with vocab for Lesson 8

  •  review the vocabulary highlighted in our class notes: cognates; false cognates and forgotten words

forgotten words

уровень - level
доходы - income 
строить/построить - to build; to construct

подорожала - дорожать (дорогой)

последний - last

следующий -next  
снижение - [снижаться/снизиться - низкий] - lowering 
до - up to 

решить вопросы  - to resolve issues


автор -author 

cтартовать - to start

проект - project

дилер - dealer
корректировка - correcting; adjustments

false cognates
комплекc  - a set of


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