8 ноября_группа4_урок3_день2_домашнее задание

 Добрый день!

Спасибо за хорошую работу.

Вот ваше домашнее задание на девятое(9) ноября

  1. ex. 19 p. 17
  2. ex. 23 p. 20
  1. exe. 5 and 7 pp. 6-7
  2. read Grammar Points 

  • Ordinal Numbers. Time expressions with specific years pp.9-10
The following video will be helpful in pronunciation and understanding the grammar as well
Russian Reader Part 2.2 Economy
Review Cram list for Lesson 6

Preview vocabulary for Lesson 7
  • using the prereading technique demonstrated in class.
    [vocab for Lesson 6 in on p. 140; look at the first word 'валюта' - currency, then go to the body of the lesson and scan it for this word; once found - highlight/underline/put an asterisk* next to it. Repeat with the rest of the words. Remember: we are not reading the stories, we are just searching for the words from the Glossary list on p. 140]
До завтра!


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