22 октября_день4_урок2_домашнее задание
Добрый день, дорогие студенты!Сегодня был хороший день!
Вы большие молодцы!
Вот ваше домашнее задание:
1. ex. 43c. p.38 (рассказ о нашей группе)
2. ex. 52 p. 46 (надеюсь, вы любите рисовать) (ex. 22 p.27 from the workbook could give you some ideas)
3. ex. 55 p. 48 a-c
1. exe. 10, 11
1. exe. 19-22 pp.26-27
2. exe. 23-24 p. 30
3. Read Grammar Points
1. Review vocabulary for lesson 4 p. 82
Utilize the following strategies:
Вы большие молодцы!
Вот ваше домашнее задание:
1. ex. 43c. p.38 (рассказ о нашей группе)
2. ex. 52 p. 46 (надеюсь, вы любите рисовать) (ex. 22 p.27 from the workbook could give you some ideas)
3. ex. 55 p. 48 a-c
1. exe. 10, 11
1. exe. 19-22 pp.26-27
2. exe. 23-24 p. 30
3. Read Grammar Points
- Talking about the weather pp. 36-37
1. Review vocabulary for lesson 4 p. 82
2. Cold reading Read stories #1 and #2 p. 213; #8 and #9 p.216 (some articles have words in bold: those are new to you. You can look them up in the dictionary. I love an electronic version
Russian Listening - Lesson 1 - Intensive Listening, Episode1 - In the Garden
Here is a link to the video on YouTube
I will send you a PDF of the worksheet to go along with the video
Your main goal when working with the video/audio passage(s) is to UNDERSTAND the main ideas and some important details.
You may complete your tasks in English or in Russian.
You are NOT expected to:
- know every word and grammar structure
- reproduce the content in Russian.
Utilize the following strategies:
- Focus on recognizing familiar words and word forms. Don’t dwell on unfamiliar vocabulary.
- Focus on recognizing familiar grammar patterns. Don’t get stuck on new grammar features.
- Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words during listening exercises.
- Listen to the passage(s) with the transcript only after completing all the tasks.
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